Have you ever seen a total eclipse? I tried to snap a few pictures during the minutes of totality. After several attempts… I thought I failed. All I could see on my screen was a big blob of light (which was confusing…. Because it was DARK out, and I couldn’t see the sun at that moment). So I gave up. I enjoyed the moment, and went back inside. I pulled out my camera later, a little saddened that I didn’t capture the moment, and was amazed! Smack dab in the center of that ball of light (aka the sun)…. There was a tiny little dot… the moon!!
An eclipse feels as though it blocks out the sun. The shadow the moon casts seems so big, it seems like it’s big enough to block out the sun. But it’s just that… A shadow. The moon is not big enough to block out the sun. It’s a visual phenomenon.
The picture on the right is the one I took during the eclipse. I expected the moon to completely block out the sun (like the image on the left), because that’s what it felt like in the moment. Plus that’s what I SAW. But what I “saw” was not reality. The moon is but a speck compared to the sun. Can it cast a big shadow? Yes. But when you look through a lens, when you step back and look at what’s really happening… you see something entirely different.
You see the moon for what it is… A speck.
So where in your life are you stuck seeing a shadow? Where do your problems seem to block out the sun? Is it your health? Is it your finances? Is it your relationship? Is it your job?
My message to you is this. Yes, you may be stuck in a shadow. You might feel like you are in the midst of an eclipse. But you are loved and cherished by your Heavenly Father. The shadows in your life stand no chance against the light of his sun. We all feel trapped in darkness from time to time. We feel like the world has gone dark. But this eclipse reminded me of something. Even though it may feel dark. The sun is still there. His light is still shining. And when you look back on the snapshot of that moment… You will see your struggle for what it was… A speck.