You can learn a lot about our culture by observing the world around us. Spring is around the corner and with spring comes heat and with heat comes life and that life comes in to your house in the form of… bugs. Specifically ants. It doesn’t appear to matter how clean you keep your kitchen, they always seem to find a way in. Since this is a large enough nuisance to us humans, demand has created an abundant supply of Rid-Antz, or products of a similar nature. It’s brilliant. You just set this little cardboard container of an irresistible sweet gel in the corner of your kitchen and these little harmless critters will swarm it by the hundreds. It is not just a few ants that find their way, you will see an entire colony emerge in their little ant-line and cover this lethal gel and not only consume it, but also bring back as much as they can carry back to their little ant-home, for those who didn’t make the trip.
In a couple days, your kitchen is ant-free… Because the entire colony is dead.
It’s interesting how an entire colony of ants can be wiped out by something they are all consuming by their own free will. You did not go in and set off a chemical bomb in their home. You did not step on each individual ant. You set something out that appeared harmless at first taste, but it was laced with a chemical that would destroy their lives and end their existence.
I’m not going to sugar-coat this transition. We are in the middle of a cultural health-care crisis. The foods we are eating are leading to a MASSIVE epidemic of childhood obesity. The blood pressure and cholesterol medications we are consuming to cover up symptoms of dysfunction are leading to a MASSIVE epidemic of heart disease. Our chemical-consumption (antibiotics, vaccines, over-the-counter meds, prescription meds, foods, skin care products, contaminated water supply) is leading to a MASSIVE epidemic of cancers and degenerative diseases. To top this all off, the majority of Americans (you may be included) have absolutely no idea how poorly they are healing and functioning, since they are stuck in the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality and judging their health based on how they “feel” in the morning. And every day they get a little bit sicker, eat a little bit more of that lethal gel that one day will destroy our colony.
If you want to have a different outcome than the 5 of 6 Americans that are going to be diagnosed with heart disease or cancer in their lifetime, then I promise you, you need to do something radically different than all the other ants obliviously eating poisoned gel. Our culture leads you to believe that your body is designed to fail over time, and that disease is somehow a result of bad luck or bad genes, that you have no choice and your actions don’t matter. “It’s really no fault of your own, blame your parents.” This is a LIE. This is the “Rid-Antz” of the modern sick-care system. We are flocking to the little cardboard trap, forming a line, and waiting for the insurance industry to recommend which doctor you can see, which diagnosis code he can stick you with, what treatment he can give you based on that code, how often can he see you and which drug can you pick up at Walgreens. The entire time, we are watching those that went before us drop off left and right in the worst health-care crisis this country has seen, but since all the other ants are doing it, we will too.
Enough is enough!! I am ready to see you and your families get healthy and well. I’m ready to see you and your colony reach 100-years-old like they do in OTHER cultures, medication-free, caring for themselves, remembering their names, never setting foot in a nursing home, and “having life and having life to the full,” as John 10:10 states. We are smarter than ants. We are smart enough to recognize when our culture is leading us astray. You have to ask yourself, “If I intend to be around to chase my great-grandbabies down the beach, will I get there if I do the same thing everyone else in this country is doing?” I’d challenge that the answer to that question is “NO.”
So if the answer is no, now is your time! Now is your time to stay plugged in, now is your time to COMMIT to yourself. Keep on trekking… you are WORTH IT.